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A SkateGroove Publication
Volume I Issue I
Adrenalin Links

An Unforgettable Weekend of Roller Skating

Adrenalin Awards:
A Skater's Commentary

Written by:
Darius "WindyCity Breez" Stroud
of the "JB Elite"

WindyCity Breez

From the outside looking in, the Adrenalin Awards Ceremony could have been perceived as an ego stroking fashion show. For those who were able to witness the experience, it was much more.

The purpose of the Adrenalin Awards meant more than the stroking egos of the best on the skate scene, the best according to skater's choice. It was more than a flashy fashion show for outfits ranging from formal attire to pimp suits with chips of ice that twinkle blue in the light. It is a display of appreciation and admiration for the outcome of years of hard work by each individual, constantly perfecting his or her skills and abilities on eight wheels. It is not about what you do in your personal life outside the rink or making money. It is about the pursuit of a passion that lingers at each gathering. We were able to sit at the table or ceremony, and enjoy ourselves like family, a skate family.

It was not about tiptoeing through the halls. It was not about wild actions that can be so much fun that they can overshadow the moments of skate love and networking. The blizzard made the most unfortunate noise of the weekend. Even that could not stop the skate love expressed between those who were trapped. When we travel, we find that we do not have a lot of time to really get to know one another but being stranded allowed us to have that chance so we made the best of it.

We embraced through conversations, watching movies and sharing space. The concern about travel safety really displayed more of the key element that could keep this as a legacy for future generations. That love will keep it going if we continue to let it roll with us and in us. There is a joy that comes with getting to know people from so many different skate states, from people who share the love of the art.

Look at what you've invested into your love of skating. Time you spent flying, or long hours of driving. You've dedicated so many weekends for parties, and requested days off from work. Money you spent traveling, lodging, eating, and at the mall or movies as you pass the time before the main events. Think of the jobs that some of you left or lost because of time conflicts with skating. Think of that morning when you couldn't get up on time for work because you chose to stay out late skating. Do I even need to mention the relationships that fell apart because someone didn't understand why you always had to go skating? Or the drama that was just too much to accept in the skating rink. How about the people who keep saying, "It can't be that serious" when you're heading to another state? Years of learning how to skate, and years of practice once you learned the difference between roller skating and rollin'!!

Applaud yourselves for doing what we weren't allowed to do some time ago. Unlike those in our past, we do not discriminate against any other races that roll. If you're about rolling, you can roll with us. As I often say, you don't know how much you've accomplished. The future of skating will be shaped by the instrumental rollers of today. We put smiles on the faces of those who paved the way, present or past, alive or in memory. We give them a legacy to be apart of and remembered for. We are the ones who will teach the next generation how to roll, that's the responsibility of a good skater. I skate because it feels good to my soul. It's the reason why a biker rides, and a racer drives. I guess it's also the Adrenalin factor too, the thrill and excitement of the moment. There's nothing like the beat of the music pumping through my veins, and into my heart. To breathe is to have life, and to Roll is to Live!!

When fate comes, or I decide to, I will walk away from it all. Skating has been a part of my life since I could remember, or walk. It means more to me than most people will ever understand. But the person I am means even more. Just as the person you are means more to most people than your abilities. Let your skills speak for what you can do, but your actions will speak for who you are. Be you, meaning be true to who you are. People respect your skills even more when they respect the person performing them.

What will you remember when I'm gone, the Man or the Myth? Will you remember what you know or what you see? When your time comes, how will you want to be remembered? As a person who attended some skating events, or a good skater who was a good person to know? "Fam-lay" you just don't know how much I love you, and what we do!!

If you can see me, then walk with me. If you can hear me, then talk with me. If you can feel me, then roll with me.

> > > D - B R E E Z > > >

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March/April 2003
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