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Rollerskating Videos

Tribute to Bill, Mike and Chuck, New York

Roller Skating Success, Chuck Wright TV

Learn the Art: How to Skate, Chuck Wright TV

Chuck and Montano


25 and Older Skate Jam, Sherri's Skate Productions, Highlights and Interviews, Video by Jason-V Productions, 4th of July Weekend 2007, Chicago, IL

399712708429731&q=williamson%2Bbrothers%2Bskate%2Bvideos&ei=k6M_SLSJJJCqrgL3qYXtCA&hl=en" target="_blank">25 and Older Skate Jam, Sherri's Skate Productions, Williamson Brothers Video - Chucks Version featuring Roll Call, 4th of July Weekend 2007, Chicago, IL

2007 St. Louis Party, video by Event hosted by St. Louis Skills on Wheels, St. Louis, MO., April 2007.

Back to Cali May 2012, Skate Depot, Cerritos, CA

Bill Butler's EPK, by East New York Entertainment LLC

The Blue Guerrillas at Empire Roller Drome, Brooklyn, NY, The Video was shot primarily at Empire RollerDrome in the late 70's and early 80's. The opening shots are from The Neverson Family Reunion in 1977 Petersburg Va. Tom Neverson is the founder of the skate community called 8 Ball & The Blue Guerrillas.

Charles 2010 Professional Reel - Take an entertaining, energizing and adventurous journey with SkateMaster Chuck through his life in Roller Skating both on the street and behind the cameras.

Chicago at Play, Chicago Park District's MLK Skating and Bowling Center, November 2009.

Dance, Poping, Skating, "Chuck", Chuck Wright doing his thing on and off skates anywhere and everywhere. New York.

Evian Roller Babies US Commerical.(2009)

Interview with Pretty Tony, Pretty Tony (returned from the 70's) interview during the 70's party in Charlotte, N.C. March 2008

Jamskating Jaye's Groove, All American Skating Rink, Stone Mountain, GA, August 2007

Jam Skating with 2Krucial Skate Crew, SkateWorld, Troy, MI

JB Redemption, Skate Zone Rink, Morrow, GA. August 20, 2010. Featuring DJ "The Assassin" of the Rich Boyz and Mike "No@ bra<K>es"

JBX 101 - Want to learn a few JB moves JBX style? Take a look at this video. September 1, 2008, Rich City Skate.

JBX James Brown Rollerskaters on CHIC-A-GO-GO, JBXperience featured as guests on a local Chicago television show, March 2008, Chicago, IL.

The JBX Video, JBXperience and other JB Skaters exhibit Chicago Style JB Skating, Jan. 2008

Kickstarter Reward Video #7, United Skates Documentary, Sweet Ninja Films

KP-Detroit, El-Detroit, Kevin-Flint, Venice Beach regulars, It's Venice Beach Michigan Style, Back to Cali Skate Jam, Los Angeles, CA, May 2007

Miss'ile Cheerleader and Rollerskate Video Promo 2011

Miss'ile Slalom Show Interlaken suisse 08

Miss'ile RollerDance Show Interlaken suisse 08

Moments in Motion, North vs. South, Sk8-A-Thon, Atlanta, Ga, August 2008.

Murphy Lee "My Shoes" Official Video 2008. Music video by Murphy Lee with a shot Roller Skating's own, Quad 1 Roller, Leo of St. Louis.

Nizm at Black Heritage Festival, Day 2, Tampa, FL January 2012

Naptown Skate Nation in the 2008 Circle City Classic Parade, Indianapolis, IN

Ohio Sk8 Explosion 2008 video by DJ Spin of LA taken at the Dyme Rollerz/SWS Skate Jam, Cincinnati, OH, August 2, 2008.

Old Time Skating
, McDonald's Commercial, Lynwood Skating Center, Chicago, IL, May 2007

"On the Yo 2011" - "On the Yo" with Kappa Chris. Clips from various skate parties in 2011.

Rare Groove Roller
, A collection of nine rollerskating related videos from three rinks in Atlanta, GA: Metro Skates, Golden Glide, Skate Zone

Rare Groove and Rollerskating Act IX - St.Louis Roller Skating. Video by Eric Williams, Shot in St. Louis, May 2008 at Skate King and Coahlites

The Rink, Introduction to St.Louis skate legends documentary, St. Louis, MO

The Rink Trailer Part 2., St. Louis, MO
Introduction to St. Louis skate legends documentary, St. Louis, MO

Rolling in the Carolinas 2008, Interview w/Pretty Tony,, A Williams Brothers Production, Charlotte, NC , March 22, 2008, (on Vimeo)

"Rolling in the Carolina's". Check out the best Style Skaters from around the country in RollCall. March 2008.

Rolling in the Carolinas 2008 - Skate Fun Times, a Chuck Wright Video. Kates Skating Rink, Charlotte, NC, March 2008.

Sk8-A-Thon 2008 Part I. Features the North vs. South skaters (Mr. Jones "Showtime", Jazz and Empire's Best just to name a few). Video by Moments in Motion, Labor Day Weekend, Atlanta, GA.

Sk8-A-Thon 2008 Part II. Features the North vs. South skaters (Mr. Jones "Showtime", Jazz and Empire's Best just to name a few). Video by Moments in Motion, Labor Day Weekend, Atlanta, GA.

Sk8Fanatics: Spring Break, April 8, 2012, Northridge, CA

Skate 22 - Group Skate Only. Featuring Wednesday night adult skate trios showing great style, skill and unity. Union, NJ. Video by Loyalfilmsguy.

Skate Matrix Chuck & Sara Guest Star skaters on "Premios Juventud, Major Music Latino Awards Show, featuring Prince Royce. July 15, 2010, Florida.

Skate World Roll Call, North Carolina Freestyle rollers skate jam promo. Video by the Linwood Neverson of the Blue Guerrillas. Kate's Roller Rink, Charlotte, NC , March 2008

Soul Train Flash Mob in Times Square
, Sunday, February 4, 2012, Manhattan, New York, NY

Still Number (#1) One !!!, Leo "Quad1" White gives an extreme example of why he's still #1 (rolling on quad skates with one wheel attached to each boot) along with a group of friends from NYC as they battle for the #1 spot. May 2005, New York, NY.

Stride or Die Weekend 2009, Skateworld of Kettering, Dayton, OH. Hosted by Gem City Striderz. Roll Call. Groups present were GemCity Striders, Dayton Custom Made Stryders, Trendsettas, Dyme Rollerz, and more.

Stride or Die Weekend 2007, Dayton, OH hosted by GemCity Striders and Skateworld of Kettering.

SunDrop Skating Commercial, "Drop it Like It's Hot", Williams Bros Skate Adventures,, , 2012

Uncle Jamm Opening the Old School Salute the Troops at Fort Jackson, SC, August 11, 2011

United We Ryde YouTube Channel - 2013 Dogg Pound Skate Crew "MLK" Skate Jam MV from Williams Bros on Vimeo. - The UK's 1st ANNUAL SKATE WEEKENDER from Williams Bros on Vimeo. October 12-14, 2012, Derby, England. Houston's 1st Annual Mardi Gras Skate Jam from Williams Bros on Vimeo (2010) Dogg Pound Skate Jam 2010 OpenHouse from Williams Bros on Vimeo
January 15-18, 2010 Dogg Pound Skate Jam 2010 Karaoke from Williams Bros on Vimeo Pound Skate Jam 2010 from Williams Bros on Vimeo Dogg Pound 2010 10min Trailer from Williams Bros on Vimeo - Texas Skate Jam 2010 from Williams Bros on Vimeo - New Orleans Skate Fest 2013 2min MV from Williams Bros on Vimeo.

Westside Rollers Interview Showcase, Featuring Chicago's Most Wanted, February 2007, Part 1.

Westside Rollers Interview Showcase, Featuring Chicago's Most Wanted, February 2007, Part 2.

You Make Me”. Avicii music video

Have some great roller skating footage posted on YouTube? Send your link to us to request posting on a link from SkateGroove to your video to share with everyone.

Send your request to Desi at

Please include:
Where the video was taken (event, city, state)
Approximate date of video
Who is featured in the video (individual, group, etc.)

Videos will be reviewed in the order in which they are received. Please allow 7 to 14 days for approval and posting. All requests are subject to review for approval to be posted. Footage should not contain explicit material or non-industry related matter. SkateGroove Entertainment reserves the right to accept or reject submissions based on content, video quality or anything else that is deemed unfavorable.

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